Scholarship & Service

In this entry, I would like to answer a few questions based on what I perceive scholarships and services are being defined as. I hope these questions will prove to be a step-by-step guide to ensure that everyone knows how I feel about these two important terms.
§ What does scholarship mean to you?
- I see scholarships as a source of motivation. They actually help you to highlight the noticeable potentials that you have within. For me personally, I perceive that scholarships are not just money grants given for rewards sake, but they actually prove to oneself how determined and self-motivated they are in obtaining any goals and they seek to get a scholarship to acknowledge their hard work and persistence of what they have accomplished. Scholarships actually fulfill the definition of achieving success through the utmost perseverance of one's capable potentials.
§ What responsibilities does a scholar have?
- A scholar's responsibilities I feel ought to be portrayed in one's character. A scholar should display good morales mainly. I truly believe that a scholar should be diligent and persistent, takes pride in whatever he/she does and a scholar should have a very steadfast mindset. A scholar has to be sure of his aims and goals and should set a role model for everyone to look up to. A scholar should be admirable regardless of his background.The accomplishment of goals to the fullest as well as other attitudes like being humble and understanding, makes someone well-loved and respected, otherwise known as a devoted scholar.
§ What are some of the obstacles you think you will face?
- Obstacles are never-ending in this course of life. It will come and go but it is up to us how we choose to handle and deal with certain situations, and overcome them. Being a scholar, one definitely has to be open-minded. One can never simply eliminate the opportunities just like that, no matter how peculiar it may be. Another illustration that I can cite could be the on-going pressure from society. Others are constantly going to keep a lookout on us and they truly will have high expectations. We ought to make sure that we live up to them and at times, this can be very draining and tough. Thus, throughout my journey as a scholar, I anticipate tons of obstacles but I am not going to let them hinder my progress in any way. I will take it in good stride and try my very best to tackle the problems. I will come out as a much better person and so there is nothing that one can lose by overcoming challenges.
"Obstacles cannot crush me, Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind"
-Leonardo DaVinci
-Leonardo DaVinci
§ Is a scholar also a leader? How so?
" Leadership is the ability to establish standards and manage a creative climate where people are self-motivated toward the mastery of long term constructive goals, in a participatory environment of mutual respect, compatible with personal values."
-Mike Vance
-Mike Vance
- A scholar is a leader and even more. Every single human being portrays a sense of leadership within themselves. Like how the principal mentioned," Every single one of us will have to be leaders in our lives". If everyone else ought to be leaders, how can scholars be an exception? A scholar has all the necessary qualities for everyone to admire and so he/she should make use of that and bring others to soar to even greater heights. As a leader, the scholar can put all the attitudes, actions and thoughts to good use and influence people for the better. Scholars should make use of their positions and make a difference in the lives of others. That is leadership.
"The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been."
— Henry Kissinger
— Henry Kissinger
§ Who and how do you intend to serve as a scholar?
-I would like to serve everybody and anybody as a scholar. I want to show the world that I am a source of motivation to many out there. I want people to be inspired by what I do. The most important people of all would be my family. I want to prove to them that I am recognized for what I do. I can make a difference in somebody's life and I will be determined and go all out to achieve it. I hope that one day, all my efforts would be reflected on the upcoming generations. The world is getting really old and people have lost that sense of pride in what they do. I will endeavor to bring that back for the future of my country as well as for the future of the world.
I would like to end of with a really meaningful quote which I think any scholar should take note of. I hope everyone enjoyed reading my posts and I really am glad to be able to share all my thoughts and opinions with everyone.
"Consciously or unconsciously, everyone of us does render some service or another. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger, and it will make not only for our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
-Mahatma Gandhi
-Mahatma Gandhi
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