Conceptions Of Success [continued]

The previous entry was way too long and so I decided to split it up into two entries so that it will not be too long-winded for everyone.
After having identified that Barack Obama was someone whom I deem to be successful and inspirational, I would now like to proceed and identify someone that is dear to me. This person has known me throughout my life. She knows me best and she is the only one that I can talk to, share my truest feelings and laugh with. She is more than a best friend, more than a confidante and more than a loved one. She is my loving mother.
My mother comes from a very small family. Most of her relatives are not locals and they come from Penang, Malaysia. My mother has a very intersting background. Her father, my grandfather, has Indian blood whilst her mother, my grandmother, is a Eurasian. All of them are Muslims though. My mother really has unique looks judging from her diverse background. My mother has 4 other siblings, 2 sisters and 2 brothers and she is actually the middle child.
My mother was very hardworking and diligent whilst she was studying. She had proved to many of her other peers that she was dedicated and took pride in what she did. However, my mother was not that fortunate. She was able to pursue her studies after the 'O' Levels exams but her family could not support her financially. My mother then decided to work with Singapore Airlines (SIA) as a flight stewardess. She truly loved flying all over the world on board a plane, gaining many new experiences as well as exposures of the vast and diverse cultures all round the world. My mother worked for about 2 years before she got married and had ME, as her first child...
My mother is successful in any part of her life. She is a wonderful mother to my younger sister and I, she is a devoted wife, she is a remarkable daughter and she proves to be a very supportive sister. My mother is really dedicated in the upbringing of her children and she stands proud up till today to see how far we have come in our lives. I strongly believe that my mother has already accomplished a lot in her life but she is still determined to do more for my family and her parents. Everytime I look at myself, I see a reflection of my mother. She is the one that I attribute my life to. Everything that I do has all been because of her. My success is truly because of my mother.The values she had inculcated in me, the advices that she gave to motivate me as well as the helping hand that she often had whenever I was stuggling. She had always picked me up whenever I fell...
My mother is inspirational based on how she is as a person. I look up to her and I see this lady filled with drive, love and determination. She is very strong-willed and goes all out in what she believes in. My mother has mnay good admirable traits that I see in her. She is someone who is very self-motivated and dedicated in what she does.My mother is a go-getter and she never gives up on anything. She lives and abides with her principle, "Work hard and play just as hard". The devotion that my mother has is undescribable and she just simply puts in too much effort in my sister and I. It is all for the better in future but she has such a powerful drive that is just unstoppable. My mother is somebody whom I admire and feel proud. She is the best thing that could ever happen to me and I feel blessed to always have her with me. It is simply incredible and amazing to have somebody with so much love, care and guidance for you.
I was keen on joining this programme as I felt that it could give me a headstart in achieving my goals. I feel that through this programme, I definitely can gain a lot more exposure and I can probably acquire new skills, that can benefit me in the long run. The XSP would give me the opportunity to participate in many other programmes that may help me in future since I will be well-equipped. This programme may also give me an upper-hand since I can attain more experiences. To sum up my sentiments, I have high hopes for this programme and I would not let myself down. I will try my best in everything that I do or encounter and I will truly not give up. I believe XSP will change me for the better, in one way or another! =]
Mothers are excellent examples of nurturers, which matches your personality, ISFJ. I am sure you will benefit a lot from her. (:
November 23, 2008 at 6:40 PM
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