Vacation Highlights :)

Hey everyone! I hope this post finds everyone in the pink of health. The holidays are coming to an end real soon and I would like to end it with a post that summarizes my thoughts and feelings over this period of time.
First and foremost, I had gone for a trip to Kuala Lumpur for about 5 days from 27 November to 1 December. My family and I had stayed in a very high-class hotel that must have cost a bomb. That was the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. We chose this hotel as it was really convenient. The hotel was practically connected to the main shopping mall known as the KLCC. Thus, we were really at ease since everything was mainly of walking distance. There was nothing much that I had gained because the whole trip was solely on eating and shopping. I had an enjoyable time picking out new outfits and purchasing things school necessities like pencil cases and school bags. The quality of the food in Kuala Lumpur was really good and there were many authentic cuisines that I loved such as the Thai food, the Peranakan dishes as well as the Chinese buffet. The best part was that everything was halal and I could indulge in anything and everything that I had set my eyes upon. It was a well-deserved break for me as I could let my mind loose and I could just 'sit back and relax', without having to worry about my Algebra homework or my Malay composition :)
During this December holidays, I truly feel that I have gained tons of new experiences. I had gone to the zoo with my family during mid December. It was nice to see the animals and all. I was really interested in the conservation programmes that were being held for certain animals due to their endangerment. It made me think and reflect for a while. Some of these wonderful creatures have lost their natural habitats, been hunted either for consumption purposes or for fashion items and some have even been under the serious threat of poaching. I was deeply moved when I saw these animals like the polar bears, the manatees, the white tigers as well as the sea lions. These beautiful creatures had a form of connection with us human beings. I felt that they were trying to show us how magnificent they are and that they are undeserving of how humans have mistreated them over the past few years.
The experience at the zoo was a marvel for me as I got to understand the nature of these unique animals and I could feel the sense of urgency that they were having. The urgency for everyone to make a difference in the world of the Animal Kingdom so that all of us will benefit it one way or another. Thus, it was a fruitful experience for me as I got to strengthen the bonds with my family members as well. We had a ball of a time together and I truly felt connected with my family during this family outing together.
New perspectives. This holiday period had allowed me to rethink on all my views. I had changed a couple of my views but I would like to describe just one of those perspectives which I had attained after reading a book entitled 'How Will I Know?' by Sheila O' Flanagan. Let me give everyone a brief summary of the whole book.
Claire Hudson,a 35-year-old lady, fell for Bill Hudson when she was just five years old. First, they were best friends, then lovers, then husband and wife, then parents. But the love affair ended when tragedy struck and Bill was snatched away in an out-of-control jet ski accident while they were on holiday in Jamaica. In the three years since, Claire has devoted her life solely on her daughter Georgia. However, what teenage Georgia needs now, Claire just cannot give her- advice on boys. There's only one solution: Claire's going to have to start dating. Claire is willing to try anything- from Internet Lonely Hearts to theatre trips with hunky wasp exterminators. What she has not reckoned on is that the people she meets will have their own complicated reasons for being there- and that her safe little world might be about to change in the most unexpected ways...
When I read this book, I was really inspired by the aggressiveness and the determination of Claire. She had lost her on true love on a vacation together and ever since she has created a wall that separates herself from the outside world. She chooses to stick to her comfort zones and she is determined not to let anyone have an influence on how she was going to lead her life. As the story progresses, it portrays how some of her views and opinions had began to falter and change as she learnt the process of letting go. It was truly a tough time for Claire Hudson, having to juggle the problems of her teenage daughter, Georgia, tackling the pressure from her friends at the Locum Libris company where she had worked as well as her parents who had a very complicated relationship and were planning to split up. Claire felt that all these problems were very mind-boggling and she was really stressed up with her life at a certain point of time.
Throughout this book, I have learnt that we should never let anyone get control of our lives except for ourselves. We should choose how we want to live it. People may cast various opinions of us but in the end it is not their perspectives that matter but it is how we feel about ourselves. Feelings and emotions play a very important role in living life to the maximum. I have learnt to be firm in what I believe in and that I should not be simply 'swaying around' with other people's views. I ought to be proud of what I feel and I should not let anyone overpower me, like how Claire Hudson was. Problems and obstacles will come and go but we should never let our guts down. We live today as if it was the last and we treasure every single moment of it. When tomorrow comes, that's when we tackle it. I feel really motivated after reading this book as I really discovered the true meaning of the word 'trying' . You will never know till you try something. We should be able to muster up some courage and go all out in trying new things. It makes us a much better person as it makes us an all-rounder in every way.
This proves to be my source of motivation for the Xinmin Scholars' programme. I will take everything in good stride and I will always encourage myself to do everything to my highest potential. I strongly believe that 2009 will be a year for me to see how high I can soar and how far I will go to persevere in what I believe in.
May I take this opportunity to wish everyone an advanced Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all of us strive for the best in this upcoming year:) Cheers to all!
" Think only from the highest vision of yourself and you will be amazed at your creation."
" Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals."
-Swami Vivekananda
" Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals."
-Swami Vivekananda
Good quotes! (:
December 26, 2008 at 9:50 PM
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